Important Dates

Observation Days
Come check out what your child has learned!

February 6th
March 6th
April 1st (TUE)

Class Dates
Thu, Jan 9
Thu, Jan 16
Thu, Jan 23
Thu, Jan 30
Thu, Feb 6
Sat, Feb 15 (cancelled weather)
Thu, Feb 20
Thu, Feb 27
Sat, Mar 1st (Make up)
Thu, Mar 6
Thu, Mar 13
Tue, Mar 25
Tue, Apr 1
Thu, Apr 10

Sat, April 12 – Pictures
(Viking Hall):
Little Lights: 8:00 AM
Bright Stars 1: 8:20 AM
Bright Stars 2: 8:40 AM
Hip Hop: 9:00 AM
Shine: 9:20 AM

Thu, Apr 17 (Recital Rehearsal 4-8pm)

Recital Dates-HS Auditorium
April 18th 7pm & April 19th 11am


Spring Session: January 9th-April 17th

Little Lights( 3 & 4 y/o) 4:45-5:30pm

Bright Stars (Kindergarten & 1st) 5:30-6:15 pm

Bright Stars (Kindergarten & 1st) 6:15-7:00pm

Hip Hop (5 y/o & older)7:00-7:30pm

Shine (2nd & up) 7:30-8:15pm

$130-30 Minute Classes

$150-45 Minute Classes 

Recital Fee All Classes – $75

Classroom Information

Classroom Etiquette

Hair needs to be pulled away from the face in ponytail(s) or a bun. Use clips for those stubborn stray hairs.
Jewelry should be kept to a minimum. No dangling earrings, bracelets, or necklaces.
NO GUM or sticky candy allowed during class. This is a safety issue!
Water should be brought in a bottle that the students can easily drink from and that seals well.
Dry Snacks are encouraged for students who have long classes/waits or come straight from school.
Drop Off/Pick Up Classes will be held at Viking Hall (504 Broad) above the Police Station. Entrance on Park Ave. Parents, after your dancer is comfortable we do ask parents to please drop your children off and pick them up, staying only during observation classes. The library is a great place to wait. If you feel you need to stay we ask that you are quite and sit out of view of dancers to avoid distractions during class.  In wet weather, please remove boots before coming into the class space. Winter gear, backpacks and coats can be placed in the coatroom by the bathrooms. Thank you for understanding.
Observation Days are to photograph and videotape your dancers in class.

Classroom Attire

At Story City Dance, we have a dress code that ensures our students an equal and positive experience. Shoes & tights need to be purchased through us and leotards/dresses must be the correct color. Students may either purchase them new, used from another Story City dancer or borrow them from our borrow box. 

Order Attire Here:

Items will ship to the studio and be available for pick up on the 1st night. 

Class Attire Per Class:

Leotard/Dress Colors:
Shine- Black
Bright Starts- Lilac
Little Lights-Light Pink

Bright Stars & Little Lights- U Shell Tap & Ballet Slipper
Shine- Slip on Jazz Shoe & Ballet Slipper

Hip Hop: Dancers should wear black pants or shorts with Story City Dance Shirt and comfortable shoes. Matching shoes will need to be purchased only for spring recital session only.